Planning Your Stay at EdenRidge
The map below will help you locate your cabin when you arrive at EdenRidge.

Check-in is 3pm or later. Please note that we are in Central Time.
There are no food services at EdenRidge, however there are full kitchens in each of our guest accommodations. Groceries are available at Food City in Fairfield Glade. There are also four restaurants in Fairfield Glade and numerous other restaurants on Peavine Road (south of Fairfield Glade) and in nearby Crossville.
EdenRidge’s address is 4866 Hebbertsburg Road, Crab Orchard, TN 37723. If you have a GPS, you won’t have any trouble finding us. If you don’t have a GPS and need directions please let us know. If you are coming straight to EdenRidge, the best exit off I-40 is 329 (Crab Orchard). If you want to shop for food on your way in, then the best exit is 322 (Peavine/Fairfield Glade). There is a Food City just before Fairfield Glade on your left, about 4 miles north of the Interstate. From Food City to EdenRidge the drive is about 15 minutes.
While you are at EdenRidge, you will have access to Fairfield Glade amenities (pools, beaches, golfing, tennis, etc.) just 10 minutes from EdenRidge. Information about fees, further details, and instructions to request passes is available here.
Guests are encouraged to use their cellphones and personal hotspots for their Internet needs according to their data plans. Cell/LTE coverage is excellent throughout the EdenRidge property.
If you have additional questions, please email us at
During your stay:
EdenRidge is surrounded by numerous parks, cities, trails, and various local attractions and amenities. To learn about all of these options, either prior to or during your stay, please visit